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PMEP Prime Minister Employment Program Pradhanmantri Rojgar Karyakram Rojgar Sahayak Application Form Syllabus

PMEP Prime Minister Employment Program Pradhanmantri Rojgar Karyakram Rojgar Sahayak Application Form SyllabusPMEP Prime Minister Employment Program Rojgar Sahayak Application pradhanmantri rojgar karyakram pradhanmantri rojgar karyakram form

PMEP Prime Minister Employment Program Pradhanmantri Rojgar Karyakram Rojgar Sahayak Application Form Syllabus

Advertisement No:1/2079/80
Designation:Rojgar Sahayak
Level:All Local Levels (753 Sthaniya Taha Rojgar Sahayak)
Advertisement Published Date:2079 Ashadh 25
Last Date to apply:2079 Shrawan 7
Application Fee:Nrs 500 (Five Hundred Rupees Only)
Selection Method:Shortlist, Written and Practical Exam
Benefits:Sthaniya Tahama Pravidhik Sahayak ra Rojgar Sahayak Padpurti Sambandi Mapdanda 2078 Ko Dapha 13 Ra 14 Bamojim Hunechha.
Application Submission:Desired Municipality

All the criteria & Eligibility for Prime Minister Employment Program 2079/80 are given below. All the Provisions regarding registration of unemployed persons.

PMEP Prime Minister Employment Program Pradhanmantri Rojgar Karyakram Rojgar Sahayak Application Form Syllabus
PMEP Prime Minister Employment Program Pradhanmantri Rojgar Karyakram Rojgar Sahayak Application Form Syllabus

For More Details: Please Contact: 01-4200477, Email: [email protected] “Minimum Employment – Citizens’ Rights”

Who Are Eligible for Pradhammantri Rojgar Karyakram Prime Minister Employment Program?

1. Must be in the age group of 18 to 45 years.
2. Not to be involved in employment for at least one hundred days in the same financial year till the date of application.
3. In case of self-employed person, the income should be less than the minimum wage specified by the Government of Nepal as per the minimum 100 days of employment received in the same Fiscal Year by the date of application.

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